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As on the old website, you will have to log in to access market reports and to register as a partner for our events. To create an account, please fill out the registration form on this page, and confirm your email address (you will get an email from us after you have clicked on the “Register” button). You have now successfully created your NORWEP user account.

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27 - 30 November New York and Boston, USA Add to calendar


NORWEP Partner: Free

Non-partner: NOK 5000 (Excl. VAT)



Smart operations
Focus area for the offerings presented to the operators is smart operations, e.g. within data gathering, data management, data analytics, applications, automation and AI.

Workshops / company visits
In both New York and Boston, we aim to have workshops with developers/operators followed by networking and B2B. Alternatively we will offer them briefings at their offices.

Participation fees / registration
Participation is free for NORWEP partners. For non-members there is a delegation fee of NOK 5000 (excl VAT).

Lunches, seminars, meeting facilities, local transportation and participation in receptions are covered by the delegation fee (free for NORWEP partners).

Travel / accommodation
All participants are responsible for their travel related reservations and fees, i.e. hotel, flights etc.

Joint local transportation from Boston to New York will be organised and cost will be covered by the delegation fee (free for NORWEP partners).

Please note that the program is still in the works

Mon 27 Nov

Individual travel from Norway

Informal dinner

Tue 28 Nov

Meet developers

Reception at the Consul General's residence

Wed 29 Nov

Transfer to Boston

Meet developers

Network dinner

Thu 30 Nov

Meet developers

Individual travel back to Norway

