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Market dashboards

The Annual Offshore Oil & Gas Market Report in a new format, the NORWEP Offshore Market Analysis Dashboard

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NORWEP Offshore Market Analysis Dashboard

The Annual Offshore Oil & Gas Market Report in a new format, the NORWEP Offshore Market Analysis Dashboard.

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NORWEP Offshore Wind Tool

This is an extensive database of projects, countries, owners, developers and more.

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Hydropower Priority Projects
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Wind Power
UK Offshore Wind Supply Chain Study

This report has been funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Embassy in London and has been prepared by Xodus Group exclusively for the benefit and use of Norwegian Energy Partners.

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Wind Power
Global Supply Chain Study

In this “Global Supply Chain” study, ERM and Brinckmann assessed the offshore wind demand until 2033 considering whether supply can meet the demand for major offshore wind components and assets.

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Oil & Gas
Wind Power
India: A new path for more business
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Oil & Gas
Eksport og utenlandsomsetning for den norskbaserte offshore leverandørindustrien i 2022
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Wind Power
Solar Power
Hydro Power
Kartlegging av de norskbaserte næringene for fornybar energi og hydrogen i 2022
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Germany Market update Hydrogen
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Germany Market update CCUS
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Status and further development of hydrogen energy in Germany - International Energy Forum 2023 (IEF)
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Wind Power
Australia Clean Energy Report
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Wind Power
Global Offshore Wind Supply Chain
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Wind Power
Market for offshore wind engineering consultants
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Wind Power
HVDC and HVAC substation ecosystem report
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Hydrogen mapping in Malaysia
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Wind Power
NORWEP Global Offshore Wind market report 2023
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