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View benefitsNORWEP Lower Emissions Oil and Gas Production” initiative as described in the One-Pager is gaining traction. The certified technologies and solutions are available here.
The experience so far is that the initiative is a very powerful engagement tool towards customers: It is relevant and that from the value propositions text, the customer can easily understand the problem / issue it addresses, the solution it presents and the value it represents both in terms of reduced GHG footprint and economic terms: The value proposition, helps the Customer to find out if the presented solution is relevant and represent a business case in their operations.
This initiative has initially been piloted with selected partners towards potential clients in the UK, Malaysia and Brazil with very positive feedback, generating a number of B2B opportunities for partners with operators in both countries. The initiative will now be rolled out in other countries and markets globally, through NORWEP’s Regional Directors and Local Advisors.
Should you not be part of the initiative and have solutions that directly or indirectly can contribute to reducing emissions and are interested in investing time into developing unique value propositions and targeted presentations with clear focus on reducing GHG emissions, please contact directors Per Hagen, and energy advisor Tom Brighton to initiate the process.