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18 February, 08:30-11:30 (GMT +1:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris Add to calendar
Norconsult, Vestfjordgaten 4, 1338 Sandvika View on map


NORWEP Partner: Free

Non-partner: Free




08:30  Registration & Light  Breakfast

08:45  Welcome

08:50  Short introduction of all participants

09:20  Governing the Weather Transients with Hydro Power, Øyvind Våland, Specialist Mechanical Engineer in Renewable Energy, Norconsult 

09:30  Hybrid projects – what it takes + The green project platform (part of the NRC funded joint industry project), Terje Melaa,  SVP Techology Solutions, Scatec

09:40   The HydroSun project: R&D for hybrid energy power plants, Erik Stensrud Marstein, Head of Research Solar Power Systems, IFE 

09:50  New project opportunity in Mozambique, Øyvind Engelstad, SVP Projects Hydropower, Satec / Hitesh Kumbhat - Chief Financial Officer, Linjemontage

10:00 Digital solutions and bundling, Tom Haylock, Vice President - Sales & Business Development, Sarecat

10:10  Closing of plenary session

10:15  Mingling with opportunities for B2B meetings

11:30 End + Light lunch


B2B meetings

B2B meetings are exclusively for NORWEP partners. Please book your meeting here

