Klaus Udesen
Energy Advisor Denmark
The sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines in September 2022 has shown that underwater infrastructure is vulnerable, and security of critical infrastructure has gained attention. In the workshop we will invite selected experts to highlight best practices within the security of critical infrastructure and discuss possible cooperation models for the offshore wind industry.
Target group: Members of German-Norwegian Working Group Offshore wind.
This is a closed event. Information and minutes from the workshop can be provided. Contact: klaus.udesen@norwep.com or
Agenda and setup:
Norwep & German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce
Setting the scene: How is critical infrastructure and security addressed in the German offshore wind industry?
Andreas Mummert, Head of Politics, Stiftung Offshore Windenergie
German-Norwegian Cooperation on Offshore Security
NN, Royal Norwegian Navy (TBC)
Operator perspective - best practice from the offshore industry
Charles Winge- Main, Vice President in Safety, Security, and Sustainability, Equinor
Potential risks related to the certification of offshore installations
Coastguard under water enabled by marine robotics and the observation pyramid
Eirik Sivertsen and Asgeir J. Sørensen, Director, NTNU Amos, Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems
Fibreoptic used for sound detection of vessels
Steinar Bjørnstad - Strategic Competence and Research Manager – Infrastructure, Tampnet
How the ROV "HUGIN" can be used for detecting changes on the seabed
Atle Gran, Area Sales Manager, Kongsberg Maritime
Surveillance System provided by Kongsberg
Jon Reiel Endal, Market Manager Offshore Energy, Kongsberg Norcontrol AS