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Energy Systems Report 2021

Energy Systems Report 2021

Energy Systems Report 2021

One key area in GEV was “Kraftsystemer og smart lading” (here named ‘Energy Systems’), one of seven (green) value chains analyzed and reflected in GEV. In the joint NORWEP / Energy Norge project the focus has been on mapping (‘refreshed and updated from GEV’) of Norwegian companies and competencies within Energy Systems, and to do an assessment of where and how the same expertise can be used as basis for entry and/or expansion in the market. As for GEV, the focus has been on: - Grid optimization; optimization, analysis, integration - Market optimization; trading, PPA, aggregation - EV charging and infrastructure; flexibility, system infrastructure

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The project has had access to material from the GEV study, but also analyzed significant volumes of updated, publicly available information related to- and relevant for the above focus areas. In addition, a total of 15 meetings have been conducted with relevant companies, as well as deep dive into others identified through the process

The ‘Målbilde’ and ‘Suksessfaktorer’ - as incorporated in GEV - have been discussed with the companies, to be able to provide an assessment of potential changes to same since June 2020

The project has to a large extent confirmed the elements and activities incorporated in the ‘Målbilde’ and ‘Suksessfaktorer’ reflected in GEV. However – new light has been shed on:
i)    the need for getting a (export) strategy for ’Energy Systems’ in place,
ii)   addressing barriers for a joint, targeted effort in getting to a model for a ‘digitalized and integrated’ grid, and
iii)  accelerating the process from ‘piloting - to - market introduction - to - scaling/industrialization’ – both for grid optimization- and flexibility trading solutions

These – and other elements have been addressed for each section (above) in combination with observations made (market research / interviews), and potential success factors. Finally – the potential for initiating activities / projects to create further value for companies involved in the various market segments, have been highlighted per section and aggregated.

The report is only available to NORWEP partners.