Per Erik Berger
APIteq and partner Trax Electronics offers the worlds most advanced and precise system for 3D photo scanning and automated grading of drill bits.
The 3DRILL™ generates high resolution 3D Point Cloud Models with photographic representation for remote inspection of drilling and coring bits. The drill bits are scanned to precisely determine the wear, which is critical to decide whether to re-use or replace.
Traditionally, drill bits are inspected manually and graded according to an international grading system. The grading is subjective, and performed in red zone on drill floor. Replacement of drill bits are highly expensive, including rig time.
The 3DRILL™ scanner may be used to provide very precise 3D models of your drill bits in a workshop environment or at the rig site. The highly accurate 3D models with detailed bit wear patterns is ideal for designing better and more efficient drill bits.