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Company contact
Kenneth Olsen

Kenneth Olsen

Chief Marketing Officer

+47 404 19 938


Depro AS is an expert in delivering tools and equipment for remote subsea operations. You can buy or rent standardized Depro products. You can also order bespoke designed products based on your drawings and IPs. We are an EPC partner. All services are available in-house!

Depro was founded in 2005. From day one, this dynamic new enterprise experienced demand from customers and succeeded in exponential growth. In 2024 we expect to have a turnover of approximately 200 million NOK.

Depro’s expertise can help to boost your company’s production output and if you lack knowledge and/or capacity to find solutions for desiNew developments: Electrical tool platformgn challenges, we are happy to assist you. In 2015 we moved to a new building with 1500 sq m of office space and a 3500 sq m workshop including 500 sq m test area and a 7x5x5 test pool.

New developments in 2024:

  • Electrical Torque Tools
  • Electrical subsea tool platform
  • In house pressure testing capabilities
  • Buddy ROV (skid to WROV containing a TMS and a OBS-ROV (VideoRay Defender)

Plans for 2025:

  • Start developing of our ROTT concept, Resident, Self flying Tools.