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Company contact

Magnus Birkenes

Chief Marketing Officer

+47 41 24 86 86

About Smartcube AS

Smartcube Solutions was born from a combination of desire and necessity to change the wasteful status quo of industrial supply chains.

We started by launching I-MAT™ in 2020; an online interaction- and collaboration platform to efficiate industrial project material management, making sure that all project assets are accounted for, tracked and tabbed. Seamlessly integrated with any ERP on the market, it saves time, money and needless carbon footprints at the first click of a button.

We followed shortly with I-SPIR™ - a tool designed to eliminate the tiresome and inefficient need for spreadsheets to collect and process SPIR (Spare Parts Interachangeability Records) information for product information in-flow, focusing heavily on user experiences, ERP compliance and short lead times for custom turnkey deliveries.

The I-SPIR solution has now been chose as the industry-wide SPIR collaboration tool for the Norwegian energy sector, with several players looking to expand its use across internal and international business areas.

Key elements of our solutions include: • Designed with decades of supply chain management experience • Fully compatible with every ERP on the market • Applicable to all asset heavy industries • Custom-of-the-shelf turnkey deliveries within a few weeks • Over 80% time reduction per SPIR ordering process (I-SPIR) • Proven track record of great results • Fully scalable and customisable • Suitable for individual projects or entire supply value chains