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Value proposition

FRAMO electric fire water pumping systems are the preferred solution when higher pumping capacities are needed, or when the generator package is located too far from the fire water pump. In our solution, the diesel generator supplies power to a cable-free electric submersible pump.

The generator package is a complete containerized unit. It includes a fuel tank, starting system and ancillaries, installed on a single skid in accordance with NFPA20 and industry standards for fire water systems. Having all components in a single, fire-rated enclosure offers technical advantages that lead to savings. Optimized in size and weight, the module is simple to install on deck and designed for ease of maintenance and continuous operation in remote locations and tough conditions, such as the Arctic.

Company contact

Sigve Gjerstad

Sales Manager

+47 55 99 90 00

Reference and weblinks
FRAMO electric firewater pumps