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As on the old website, you will have to log in to access market reports and to register as a partner for our events. To create an account, please fill out the registration form on this page, and confirm your email address (you will get an email from us after you have clicked on the “Register” button). You have now successfully created your NORWEP user account.

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Value proposition

APPLICATIONS ■ Subsea well testing ■ Continuous production monitoring ■ Fiscal allocation and custody transfer ■ Well performance evaluation ■ Production measurement for heavy oil to gas condensate BENEFITS ■ Short lead time and reduced project costs ■ Unaparelled reliability (mean time between failure is 216 years for the nonretrievable pod and 330 years for the retrievable pod), reducing lifetime ownership costs ■ Accurate, real-time flow rate measurements under unstable flow conditions to reduce uncertainty, improve decision making, and save costs ■ Increased recovery rates through ● Improved understanding of well dynamics ● Elimination of major pressure loss in production stream ● Updated flow rates for reservoir monitoring and production forecasting ■ Precise allocation factor

Company contact

Andreas Fjellbirkeland

Global Sales Manager - Processing Systems

+47 900 31 060

Reference and weblinks
Vx Omni