Jørgen Brandt Theodorsen
Director Wind
Join us for this road trip to offshore wind operators in Boston and New York from 12-15 December. This program is earmarked for partners working towards offshore wind, with focus on: Subsea digitalization; Topside digitalization; R&D and innovation.
This is an opportunity for you to present and discuss: features, values and differentiators of new digital offerings, to East Coast developers / operators with focus on NY/NJ/MA markets.
NORWEP Partner: Free
Non-partner: NOK 5000 (Excl. VAT)
Focus areas for the offerings presented to the operators are intended to be e.g. data gathering, data management, data analytics, applications, automation and AI relevant for the various subtopics.
In both Boston and New York, on 12 and 14-15 December, we are planning "Digitalization Industry Dialogues". A workshop setting followed by a business lunch. If critical developers/operators are not able to join the Dialogues, then we would offer them a 1.5hr briefing at their offices.
In addition, MIT and the Embassy in Washington DC, and the Consulate General invite you to meetings and dialogues at MIT on Tuesday 13 December. The aim is to strengthen the opportunities for collaboration between Norway and the US, towards education, research, and innovation; with a particular focus on renewable energy and applied big data/AI.
Participation fees / registration
Lunches, seminars, meeting facilities, local transportation and participation in receptions are included costs. Joint local transportation from Boston to New York will be organised and cost covered by NORWEP.
Travel / accommodation
All participants are responsible for their travel related reservations and fees, i.e. hotel, flights etc. NORWEP recommends: