Gunn Vik
Executive Vice President - Hydrocarbon & Emission Solutions
Join us for a breakfast seminar focusing on financing and guarantees.
NORWEP Partner: Free
Non-partner: NOK 1500 (Excl. VAT)
Renewable energy and the energy transition are depended on low-carbon, green development.
Norad has recently launched their Norwegian renewable guarantee initiative, together with their cooperating partners MIGA and ATI, facilitating interactions between energy companies and guarantee institutions. They will all present their role in this initiative, and what other financial and guarantee schemes they can provide.
Now, almost a year after the merger between Giek and Export Credit, we will have an overview of Export Finance’s financial and guarantee programs.
After the presentations we will arrange B2B meetings with the 4 speakers where NORWEP partners will be prioritised.
08:30 Registration and light breakfast
08:45 Safety moment and welcome
08:50 Norad The Norwegian Renewable Guarantee Initiative
09:05 MIGA : Their role in the new Norad scheme and other Financing and Guarantee schemes
09:20 ATI Their role in the new Norad Scheme and other Financing Guarantee schemes
09:35 Export Finance Norway Update on recent developments
09:50 Closing the plenary session
10:00 B2B meetings à 15 min - with all 4 speakers, mingling opportunities
11:30 End + light lunch