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As on the old website, you will have to log in to access market reports and to register as a partner for our events. To create an account, please fill out the registration form on this page, and confirm your email address (you will get an email from us after you have clicked on the “Register” button). You have now successfully created your NORWEP user account.

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6 February, 09:00-13:00 (CET) Add to calendar
Zoom webinar


NORWEP Partner: Free

Non-partner: Free



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Oslo time

Det er her man legger inn tidspunkt. 

Local time

Om det er et event som foregår i en annen tidssone kan dette legges inn her. Det er da dette tidspunktet som vises på web

Feltet Time zone

Dette er et fritekstfelt. Her legger man inn hensiktsmessig info om tidssoner. Se eksempeler under:






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CTA download

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Cooperating partner

Company name


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Agenda overskrift

09:00 You can choose line color blue or orange. 


  • Speaker 1 | Title | Company
  • Speaker 1 | Title | Company
  • Speaker 1 | Title | Company
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Q&A
13:00 End

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